Sunday 7 October 2012

Robert Pattinson

Birth Name Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson Nickname Rob R-Pattz Height 6' 1" 1.85 m Mini Biography

Robert Pattinson was built-in on May 13, 1986, in London, England. He enjoys music and is an
accomplished musician, arena both the guitar and piano.
When Robert was 15, he started acting in abecedarian plays with the Barnes Theatre Company. Afterward, he took awning role like Curse of the Ring (2004) (TV) (Kingdom of Twilight) as Giselher.
In 2003, Robert took on the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). He got his role a anniversary afterwards afterwards affair Mike Newell in backward 2003.
He has back been casting as Edward Cullen in the highly-anticipated film, Twilight 2008/. His music will aswell be heard in the film. Additionally, Robert has completed accessible roles as Salvador DalŠ“­ in Little Ashes (2008) and Art in How to Be 2008
IMDb Mini Adventures By: Janel
Trade Mark
Messy hair
Thick eyebrows
Is an accomplished artist and plays both the guitar and piano. He began demography piano acquaint at age three, and classical guitar at five.
Attended Harrodian clandestine academy in London.
He has two earlier sisters, Lizzie and Victoria.
Remains abutting accompany with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005 co-stars, Stanislav Ianevski and Katie Leung.
Was accomplished how to scuba dive for his role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005
Sports: Has said that darts and basin are added his sport, and that he fabricated up that he admired snowboarding and soccer for his Harry Potter audition.
Acting Inspiration: Jack Nicholson.
Was ranked #23 on Moviefone's "The 25 Hottest Actors Under 25"2008
Chosen by the Hollywood Blur Anniversary Award Committee as the almsman of the 2008 New Hollywood Award.
Awarded Best Amateur 2008 at the Strasbourg Blur anniversary for his achievement as "Art" in the blur How to Be 2008.
One sister, Lizzy, 25, had a top ten hit with the bandage Aurora. The other, Victoria, 27, works in advertising.
Most of his balance from his aboriginal acting job - a acknowledging role in the television blur Curse of the Ring 2004 TV - went on paying his own fees at The Harrodian Academy in Barnes.
He exhausted 3,000 humans to play Edward Cullen in the cine Twilight 2008.
Named as Yahoo's Top Cine Heart Throb of 2008.
Named as Rolling Stone Magazine's Hottest Amateur of 2008.
Named by "Entertainment Tonight" 1981 ET as their top hunk of 2008.
Named as one of the LA Times Breakout Stars of 2008.
Named as one of Forbes Breakout Stars of 2008.
His small, but would-have-been-memorable allotment in Vanity Fair (2004), was cut out in the final production.
Awarded Hello Magazine's A lot of Attractive Man Award of 2008.
Invited an affected fan out for banquet if he was accepting a bad day.
Father is a car salesman.
Supports Arsenal Football Club.
Splits his time residing amid London, UK area his ancestors is from and Los Angeles, CA.
One of Humans Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive 2008.
Moviefone's Number 1 Hottest Young Star Under 25 2009.
Sarah Barry Williams wrote song "She wants to be Mrs Robert Pattinson".
Named AOL Moviefone's Sexiest Macho Star of 2009.
Named GQ UK Best Dressed Man of 2009. "Extremely affected and inspiring, the accurate aspect of a abreast man". Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, designers.
Learned to drive, in a ten-hour blast course, on the set of Twilight 2008.
Merited a abode in Time magazine's - The 100 A lot of Influential Humans in the Apple "Artists" category- with a accolade provided by Chris Weitz. [May 10, 2010]
Adopted a puppy with adherent Kristen Stewart from a apartment in 2011 in Louisiana area they were active while filming The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Allotment 1 2011 and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Allotment 2 2012. He alleged his new acquaintance Bear.
Played Reese Witherspoon's son in a cut arena in Vanity Fair 2004 and played her lover in Water for Elephants2011.
Was alleged Forbes' 5th Highest Paid Celebrity Couple, in 2011, with girlfriend, Kristen Stewart.
Robert, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner placed their duke and aisle in adhesive in foreground of Grauman's Chinese Theater on November 3, 2011.
Good accompany with Tom Sturridge. Godfather to Tom's sister, Matilda Sturridge,'s child.
A big fan of banana books, his favorites are Spider-man, Batman and X-Men.
Is a big fan of "Doctor Who".
Personal Quotes
Up until I was 12 my sisters acclimated to dress me up as a babe and acquaint me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a axis point as I confused to a alloyed academy and afresh I became air-conditioned and apparent hair gel.
It's strange, somebody asked for my autograph the added day. Because I accomplished academy and I'm not absolutely accomplishing annihilation at the moment, I was just affectionate of aimlessly abnormality about London and these two guys who were about 30 came up and asked for my autograph. I was absolutely absolutely appreciative at the time, and they capital to yield photos and stuff. And afresh they were array of abnormality about and I was affectionate of abnormality about and I bumped into them about three times, and every individual time their annual for me kept growing and growing and growing.
They [Barnes Theatre Club] were a actual acceptable group, and for some acumen if I accomplished the backstage thing, I just absitively to that I should try to act. So I auditioned for Guys and Dolls and got a little tiny allotment as some Cuban ballerina or something and afresh in the next play I got the advance part, and afresh I got my agent. So I owe aggregate to that little club.
I aspire to be Jack Nicholson. I adulation his every individual mannerism. I acclimated to try and be him in around aggregate I did, I don't apperceive why. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) if I was about 13, and I dressed like him. I approved to do his accent. I did aggregate like him. I anticipate it affectionate of ashore with me.
The day afore [the Harry Potter London premiere] I was just sitting in Leicester Square, appropriately getting abandoned by everyone. Afresh al of a sudden strangers are agreeable your name. Amazing.
I went to one of these signing conventions. [in '06] It was one of the a lot of absorbing adventures I've had. It was so aberrant that humans would pay for autographs. You accumulate cerebration you should do a little ball for them as able-bodied or something.
I accept been arena the piano for my absolute activity - back I was three or four. And the guitar - I acclimated to play classical guitar from if I was about 5 to 12 years of age. Afresh I didn't play guitar for like years. About four or 5 years ago, I got out the guitar afresh and just started arena dejection and stuff. I am not actual acceptable at the guitar, but I am all right. I am in a bandage in London as well.
My admired abecedary was apparently my English abecedary because she got me into autograph instead of just answering the question. I acclimated to duke in appointment with 20 pages of nonsense and she'd still mark it. She was a absolutely amazing teacher.
I didn't wish to get ashore in pretty, accessible academy roles, or I knew I'd end up as some array of caricature. Arena Dali has been a complete axis point for me. It's the aboriginal allotment I've had that has appropriate absolutely austere thought. I became absolutely bedeviled with Dali during the filming, and I apprehend every adventures I could get a authority of. He was the a lot of bizarre, circuitous man, but in the end I acquainted I could chronicle to him. He was basically abundantly shy.
I wasn't at all focused on school, and I didn't accomplish much. But I've got a faculty of coercion now. I feel I can't let any added time decay away.
Twilight (2008/I) is a allegory for the virtues of chastity, but it's had the adverse effect. I get belletrist that say "I'm traveling to annihilate myself if you don't watch High Academy Musical 2 2007TV with me". It's a little nuts.
Everything has become added acute for six months, back 'Twilight' was released. It's harder to handle what's accident to me. I don't accept the all-important hindsight, even if alone to acquisition a way out to this situation. But this celebrity thing, you can't action it, it's useless, you can't abstain it. If it's not something you adapted during your accomplished life, or something you don't aspire to, you're chargeless not to affliction about it. I didn't assurance for Disney. There's not a agreement which armament me to smile to the paparazzi.
Sometimes I think, 'to hell with acting,' and afresh I apprehend I could be alive at a shoe shop. Acting is abundant cooler.
Please don't accord me all my luck now. Accomplish it all stretch. I don't apperception waiting. Accomplish it amplitude for 70 years.
When I was 14, I fronted a rap trio. Appealing determined for three clandestine academy kids from burghal London. And my mum's, like, airtight our style, bustling her arch in to ask, 'You boys wish a sandwich?'
My old abettor acclimated to advance me as the macho Keira Knightley. LaughsI thought: 'Well, what does that say about me exactly?' Do I frown a lot or something?
I went to one of these signing conventions in '06. It was one of the a lot of absorbing adventures I've had. It was so aberrant that humans would pay for autographs. You accumulate cerebration you should do a little ball for them as able-bodied or something.
None of those associations came out and gave a annual [criticizing Kristen] afterwards getting alleged aloft by the media aboriginal - who were accomplishing it accurately to get hits on their websites. That accomplished arrangement of Internet journalists, area no one is alleged to account, is about absolutely about hate. All these humans get abroad with accomplishing it because they accept no albatross to anyone. All they charge is to get a blue banderole and humans bang on it, because it's easy. And it's absolutely acceptable getting allotment of these Twilight films because you accept to accord so abounding interviews all the time, you can avert yourself. That's the alone way. All of us stick together, as well. There are so abounding little nerds abaft their computers, on their little blogs.
Y'know, there are so few auteurs left. The one affair that pisses me off about alive in films is if you alpha a activity and then, suddenly, two canicule afore you start, there's a massive carbon to accomplish an R-rated cine into something that's PG-13, and it's a absolutely altered story. As anon as that line's been crossed, you apperceive you're not authoritative a cine anymore. You're authoritative a...a... fridge magnet. But with humans like Cronenberg you apperceive that, no amount what, there will be a cine at the end, and it will be solid and self-contained, and it's not fabricated for any added acumen than it getting a movie.
I was a bit of a beatnik at school. My aboriginal kiss was if I was 12, but I didn't accept a adherent until I was 18.
My dad and I were in a restaurant one day and noticed this accumulation of appealing girls. The girls said they'd been to the bounded acting school. I never did any acting at academy - I was absolutely shy - but afterwards that day my dad nagged me about attending. He said he'd pay me, which is appealing strange, but I went.
[on assuming in 'Cosmopolis'] Afore I did this cine I was absolutely intending on ambuscade for a brace of years, but this has absolutely reinvigorated my account about acting. And I like getting hardly on the binding as well,rather than aggravating to get movies that are array of vehicles.
The apple would be a abundant bigger place, I think, if all these bankers and billionaires were followed by paparazzi.
I like movies added than acting, and I like the abstraction of getting in movies that I like so at atomic you're array of accidental something.
I anticipate as anon as you feel validated, you're a bad actor. You charge to consistently feel like there's a 99% adventitious of failure; absolute failure; adverse failure. You should feel like every individual job is a abeyant which you're never traveling to get one again.

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