For past few months, there has been increased attention within media and social media as to the topic of Overseas Pakistani’s role within our democratic system. National Database and Registration Authority,
commonly known as NADRA estimates a total number of 6.8 million registered members of Pakistani Diaspora; while the actual figure could easily surpass a larger sum, resulting in a 4-5 %
of country’s population living abroad. But this sheer 5% has achieved wonders for this country. Majority of them can comfortably state that they have more Patriotism, and love for my motherland, then most folks residing in Pakistan. These individuals fight and struggle everyday of their lives to improve the image of Pakistan in abroad, and portray the best depiction, of an average Pakistani; through their daily lifestyle.
The patriotism of these 5 % goes far beyond dressing up for 14th Augusts’ rally/function, wear green and white; or cheer for their Cricket Team. These 5% have taken the current social economic issue and made a priority upon themselves to improve them. Whether it may be through self-motivated social and welfare work or by taking active part in social and economic forums; or be an active part of a political organization or an interest group relating to the importance of Pakistan. If they are dual national; Yes, they may have taken an oath to pledge allegiance to their current country of residence, but their patriotism and love for their motherland does not end, they have continued to show and express support for Pakistan, every step of the way, when ever our beloved motherland needed. Overseas Pakistani’s dig deep into their pockets, cut spending on necessity item of their lives to support their brother and sister back home in times of needs.
It is heart breaking for many, to see such patriotism, of their own; or of their loved ones to be called into question; or be labeled in a traitor-like manor. Just because they are living abroad; or obtained Dual-Nationality. Contrary to this subject majority of our Generation X, that moved aboard in there early or late teen years state a fact that can’t be denied, “I was born and raised for a quite a bit of my life in Pakistan. I can say it with PROUD; that I AM PAKISTANI; not a HALF; but A FULL Pakistani, I’ve been a better ambassador of my country then most have been.” Many individuals continue on and state that, when they moved out of Pakistan, it wasn’t there decision, neither was it there decision to obtain dual nationality, they were simply following action of their dear parents; but at this stage, it is really devastating for them to have fingers pointed at their loyalty.
It may be that 5% is a small number; but there contributions and hard work for decades cannot be summed up a figure of 5%.
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