Sunday 7 October 2012

American accompanist Katy Perry arrives for the MTV Latin America Awards in Guadalajara

                                 American accompanist Katy Perry arrives for the MTV Latin America Awards in Guadalajara October 16, 2008.{Agencies}
 Katy Perry has vowed not to chase in Britney Spears' footsteps.

The I Kissed a Girl accompanist - who is dating Gym Class Heroes brilliant Travis McCoy - insists she has no ambition of absolution acclaim go to her head.
When asked how she would stop herself artful Britney, who had a accessible breakdown beforehand this year, Katy replied: "You accept to be absolutely strong-headed to survive in this industry.
"If you are traveling to get into it, lose your vices because they are not something you should accept  abnormally if you are in the accessible eye. Eat your vegetables, yield your vitamins and be acute about the humans that are about you.
"Know who is a edge and who is not, who is there for the appropriate affidavit and who is not there for the appropriate reasons.
Katy, acclaimed for her different accouterments choices, aswell explained area she gets her appearance afflatus from.
She added: "I accept a allure with all things 40s and the way women had a address and a different look. They were added put calm and cared how they presented themselves.
"Everybody had their own affectionate of deal, it wasn't like walking robots cutting one characterization or accepting to abrasion one affair because it was the coolest, trendiest thing. I anticipate that's why I accomplish so abounding adventuresome choices with my style, because it goes to appearance that you don't accept to be like everybody else

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