Tuesday 11 September 2012

Doctor Checking Patient

CHICAGO – Panasonic has apparent its new CardioHealth Station a apparatus for alone antitoxin medicine at the 2010 American Affection Association Scientific Sessions.

Panasonic’s flagship healthcare product, the CardioHealth Station is advised to abetment medical
professionals in authoritative a quick and admired appraisal of cardiovascular bloom and is accepted to barrage in North America awaiting FDA action.
The CardioHealth Station has a congenital carriageable ultrasound arrangement optimized to accomplish a non-invasive assay of the carotid arteries. It provides an automatic real-time altitude of the intima-media array (IMT) and allows the user to seek for arterial plaques. Moreover, the touch-screen keyboard allows the user to ascribe assorted ambit accompanying to acceptable cardiovasA congenital calculator provides accident array frequently acclimated in a array of medical environments (Framingham Accident Score, PROCAM Bloom Check Score, Reynolds Accident Score, Accident account based on the SCORE Project). This advice is supplemented with an IMT altitude of the avenue to accomplish a absolute address to aid the physician in assessing cardiovascular risk.
Recently appear studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Bloom accept apparent that there is admired advice appear in the appraisal of vascular health, and the risks of a cardiovascular accident associated with those assessments. The ARIC study, a 15-year multi-institution study, appear that assertive patients can be reclassified from “Low or Intermediate Risk” to “High Risk” by searching at the carotid-intima media array and the attendance of applique in the patient.
Panasonic developed CardioHealth Station to accredit accelerated apprehension of blubbery carotid arteries. The carotid avenue is the claret barge annex that goes from the affection up the neck, and provides claret to the foreground of the face and the brain. What already acclimated to be difficult and abstract to do on a accumulation base is now fabricated accessible by the avant-garde automation technology loaded as accepted in the CardioHealth Station.
“Panasonic affairs to yield a administration role in the acreage of Alone Antitoxin Medicine,” said Joseph M. Taylor, administrator and CEO of Panasonic Corporation of North America. “The CardioHealth Station is an avant-garde archetype of how Panasonic is planning to plan carefully with the medical association to accommodate the accoutrement to abetment the practitioner in accomplishing the ambition of blurred healthcare costs through the aboriginal apprehension of disease.”
On Oct. 25, Panasonic appear the accumulation of CardioNexus Corporation, which became the ablution belvedere for CardioHealth Station in North America. Panasonic is currently applying for FDA approval of the CardioHealth Station, and expects sales to activate as anon as approval is accustomed from the authoritative authorities.
“Helping the apple abate all-around healthcare costs is in everybody’s interest,” said Osamu Takahashi, administrator of all-around action at Panasonic Healthcare. “Panasonic believes the CardioHealth Station, a aboriginal in a alternation of articles – will advice accomplish the accumulated ambition of convalescent association through the aboriginal apprehension of disease.”cular accident factors.

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